Parents' Corner

2016-2017 School Year   

I am very excited to begin another school year!  My goal is to create a positive learning environment to help set your child up for success in developing good work habits and responsibility for his/her work and behavior.  I look forward to your support and partnership in making this a great year for your child.

The following teachers will also be working with your child this year:

Mme Burdeniuk - Music and Library
Mme Perry - Health
Mme Craciun - Physical Education

Classroom News  -   Please come and visit our classroom blog often at  It will  be updated regularly. You can read our classroom news as well as see some of your child's work.

Communication -  I believe communication between parents and the teacher is integral to your child’s success at school.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have via email:, phone: 885-2216 or write a note in your child's agenda. I will respond as quickly as possible.

Agenda - The agenda is an excellent communication and organizational tool. Your child will bring home his/her agenda every night, containing assignments and/or notes from school. Please sign it daily.

Scholastic Book Orders - Each month your child will be bringing home Scholastic order forms.  Do not feel obligated to purchase, but do look through it with your child.  If you would like to order, please submit the order with a cheque payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd. by the date specified.

Homework- "Ask Me To" will be sent home on Fridays and will be expected to be completed and returned by the following Wednesday.  The assignments are to reinforce what is being studied in class.

Home Reading -  Students will have a home reading bag which will contain their books and a reading log.  They will be changing their books once a week; therefore, they will choose a variety of books to read for the week.   The students will be reading in English as well as in French.   Since the students will be required to bring the book bag back and forth from home to school throughout the year, I ask for your help in encouraging them to be responsible for the bag and its contents.

 Month End Envelopes -  Approximately once a month, I will send home an envelope containing your child’s work.  This will allow you to see your child’s academic progress.   Some of your child’s work will remain at school in his/her portfolio for student led conferences.  Please keep the work at home and send the envelope back to school.

Healthy Learning - Gym clothes will be sent home every second Friday of each month to wash and should be returned the following Monday.
 We are promoting the knowledge and practice of healthy eating habits at a young age.  Students are encouraged to bring nutritious snacks to school.  A healthy diet is associated with better learning outcomes.

Parties - We will be having class parties  throughout the year.  Each student will be assigned a party to contribute a snack to.  Those responsible for snacks will be contacted a few days before each party.  A note will be sent home with further details.

Classroom Expectations  - During the first week of school, the students, Mme Sabourin and I will work together to establish our classroom expectations.  They will be posted in the classroom and a copy will be glued into their agendas.  We will be going over these expectations often during the year.

Library - Day 5   Library books should be returned.
Music - Days 2, 4 and 6
Physical Education - Days 1, 2, 4 and 5.

I are looking forward to a great learning year with your son or daughter.
Mme Lysanne Vanderwey